Guarantee a continuous dynamic consulting approach

In view of the dynamics of organisational needs, the regulatory context and the technological reality and associated vulnerabilities in constant change, it is crucial that organisations are equipped with the best means in order to proceed with the gradual and continuous alignment and adjustment of their security management practices, information, effectively and efficiently.

Devoteam Cyber Trust's KIM24 Service creates a straight bond between a company's Security, management and operational practice through IntegrityGRC tool, allowing for an effective Management of the organisation’s Information Security.

AD-HOC Approach Logo-dark
Consulting Services
Continued Service
Model adjustable to organisational dynamics
Information Security Management Support Platform
Resource allocation tailored to the dynamic and needs of the organisation
Monitoring the continued evolution of maturity
Redefinition of Goals throughout the service
Response to the organisation's dynamic activities and requirements in the context of Information Security Management
Remote Service Provision whenever applicable for efficiency purposes
See Benefits
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